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Images acquisition and analysis from De Matteis laboratoryImaging of lipid droplets, nuclei and cytoplasm in the 96-well format (Thiele lab)Immunofluorescence and Bodipy staining of lipid droplets
Implementation of High-Content Imaging SPPsImplementation of Mass Spectrometry of Lipids SPPsImplementation of Microarray SPPs
Implementation of Proteomics SPPsImplementation of Standard Processing ProceduresImplementation of TaqMan SPPs
In vivo cell monitoring - BD Pathway Bioimager 855 (JUMC)Inositol phosphates
Isolation of lipid droplets from mouse primary hepatocytesIsolation of primary hepatocytes from mouse liverIsoprenoids/Retinoids
Kerstin Leuthaeuser-JaschinskiKick off meeting - June 2008
Leukocyte populations and plateletsLeukotrienes (FA0302)
Lipases and LCATLipid ClassLipid Conference Calendar
Lipid Storage GenesLipid extraction
Lipid extraction according to Bligh and DyerLipid extraction according to FolchLipid extraction according to modified Folch
Lipid extraction for TLC (Chloroform-Methanol, Thiele lab)Lipid extraction from yeastLipid extraction using Butanol
Lipid extraction using MTBELipid mass spectrometric methods established in LipidomicNetLipid mass spectrometry
Lipid mass spectrometry SOPs deliverable status
Lipid mass spectrometry equipment in LipidomicNetLipid microdomainsLipid probes
Lipid standards in the LipidomicNetLipid standards needed in LipidomicNet
Lipid standards used in LipidomicNet - GlycerophospholipidsLipid standards used in LipidomicNet - SphingolipidsLipid standards used in LipidomicNet - Sterols
LipidomicNet-ENOR joint workshopLipidomicNet-ENOR workshop programLipidomicNet Final Meeting - 10/2012
LipidomicNet LibraryLipidomicNet publicationsLipidomics technologies
Lipoprotein analysis by FPLC - ESI-MS/MS - Wiesner et al.Lipoprotein preparationLipoprotein separation by FPLC - Wiesner et al.
Lipoprotein sphingolipids as potential atherogenic factorsLipoxins (FA0304)
Lysophosphatidylcholine - ESI-MS/MS - Liebisch et al.Lysophospholipids
Lysosomal lipid-binding proteins: purificationLysosomal storage disordersMT 01.10.2008
MT 02.07.2008MT 03.03.2010MT 03.09.2008
MT 03.12.2008MT 05.11.2008MT 06.08.2008
MT 08.10.2008MT 09.07.2008MT 10.09.2008
MT 10.11.2008MT 10.12.2008MT 13.08.2008
MT 14.01.2009MT 15.06.2008MT 15.10.2008
MT 16.07.2008MT 17.09.2008MT 17.12.2008
MT 19.11.2008MT 20.08.2008MT 21.01.2009
MT 22.10.2008MT 23.07.2008MT 24.09.2008
MT 24.12.2008MT 25.06.2008MT 26.11.2008
MT 27.08.2008MT 29.10.2008MT 30.07.2008
Magnetic bead isolation of Mitochondria and following western blot analysisMain Page
Mass Spectrometry of Lipids SPPs
Mass spectrometryMechanisms of bile acid feedback inhibition of gene transcriptionMeeting Plan
Megakaryocyte Platelet SynopsisMembranes
Metabolic diseasesMetabolism and subcellular compartmentalization of sphingolipids
Microarray SPPsMicroarrays
MonoacylglycerophospholipidsMonocyte IsolationMonoradylglycerols
Mouse Key NodesNetherlandsNeutral glycosphingolipids (SP05)
No Access
Nomenclature of lipid speciesNon targeted Lipid Profiling LC-FT-MS/MSNuclear receptor regulation of bile acid synthesis
Nuclear receptorsOffline nanoESI Phospholipid Profiling - LC-MS/MSOther hydroxylase pathways
Oxidized glycerophospholipids (GP20)Oxysterol-binding proteinsOxysterol binding assay
OxysterolsP01 UHREGP02 UU
PRP-platelet rich plasmaPXR/SXRPalmitoylation
Phosphatidylcholine / Sphingomyelin - ESI-MS/MS - Liebisch et al.
Phosphatidylethanolamine-based plasmalogens - ESI-MS/MS - Liebisch et al.Phosphatidylethanolamine - ESI-MS/MS - Liebisch et al.
Phosphatidylinositol metabolism
Phosphatidylserine - ESI-MS/MS - Liebisch et al.Phospholipid and neutral lipid droplet staining
Phospholipid class-specific profiling by LC/MS (Utrecht protocol)Phospholipid metabolismPhospholipidosis detection
Phosphosphingolipids (SP03)Plant sterolsPlatelet isolation
PolyketidesPrenol LipidsPrenylation
Preparation of delipidated FCS (Thiele lab)Preprocessing and differential expression with CARMAWebPreprocessing of Single Colored Agilent Arrays
Press releasesProcessing Pipeline for High-Content Imaging SPPsProcessing Pipeline for Mass Spectrometry of Lipids SPPs
Processing Pipeline for Microarray SPPsProcessing Pipeline for Proteomics SPPsProcessing Pipeline for TaqMan SPPs
Processing PipelinesProfiling of Neutral Lipids (Utrecht protocol)Profiling of Phospholipids (Utrecht protocol)
Project ManagementProject Status Report for Period 1Project Status Report for Period 2
Proposal for lipid MS nomenclatureProposal on lipid standards to be synthesized
Prostaglandin quantification - GC-MSProstaglandins (FA0301)
Proteomics SPPsProtocols for stable isotope labelingPurification LDs from mouse adipocytes
Purification LDs from mouse hepatocytesQuinones and hydroquinonesROR
RT-PCR SPPsReal time interaction between immobilized liposomes and lipid binding proteins by Surface Plasmon ResonanceRegensburg2014
Regensburg Chip Hybridization CenterResources
Retinoid determination - Gunderson et al.Retinoid determination - Kane et al.Retinoid determination - Wang et al.
Roche SPPsSHP-dependent mechanismSHP-independent mechanisms
SVF human cells isolation and culture (JUMC)Saccharolipids
Schwedhelm et al.Secosteroids (ST03)
Setup of a lipid species databaseShorthand notation - General rules
Shorthand notation for Fatty Acyls (FA)Shorthand notation for Glycerolipids (GL)Shorthand notation for Glycerophospholipids (GP)
Shorthand notation for Sphingolipids (SP)Shorthand notation for Sterols (ST)Shorthand notation for lipid structures derived from mass spectrometry
SiRNA knock down - A431 cells - 24 well plate - analysis by fluorescence microscopy (Thiele lab)SiRNA knock down - A431 cells - 24 well plate - biochemical analysis (Thiele lab)SiRNA knock down - HeLa cells - 24 well plate - analysis by fluorescence microscopy (Thiele lab)
SiRNA knock down - HeLa cells - 24 well plate - biochemical analysis (Thiele lab)SiRNA knock down - HuH7 cells - 24 well plate - analysis by fluorescence microscopy (Thiele lab)SiRNA knock down - HuH7 cells - 24 well plate - biochemical analysis (Thiele lab)
Signalling pathways induced by sphingolipidsSircar et al.Site Map
Skin lipid analysis - HPTLC - Farwanah et al.Sphingoid bases (SP01)
Sphingolipid analysis by mass spectrometrySphingolipid profiling - LC-MS/MS - Scherer et al.
Sphingolipids (SP)Sphingolipids and apoptosisSphingolipids and cell differentiation
Sphingolipids and cell migration and adhesionSphingolipids and vascular tone regulation
Sphingosine-1-phosphate, Lysophosphatidic acid - LC-MS/MS - Scherer et al.Sphingosine-1-phosphate - LC-MS/MS - Berdyshev et al.Sphingosine-1-phosphate - LC-MS/MS - Bielawski et al.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate - LC-MS/MS - Schmidt et al.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate quantitationSphingosine/Sphinganine - LC-MS/MS - Lieser et al.
Staining of cellsStaining of lipid droplets with Nile red and BODIPY 493/503
Staining of lipid droplets with oil Red OStandard Processing ProceduresSteering Committee Meeting - 01/2010
Steering Committee Meeting - 01/2011Steering Committee Meeting - 01/2012Steering Committee Meeting - 07/2009
Steering Committee Meeting - 07/2010Steering Committee Meeting - 11/2008Steering Committee Meeting 2011/06
Steroid conjugates (ST05)
Steroid hormonesSteroids (ST02)Sterol analysis by mass spectrometry
SterolsSterols (ST)Sterols (ST) determination - Lembcke et al.
Sterols (ST) determination - Mezine et al.Sterols (ST01)Subcategory: Monoacylglycerophospholipids
Synthesis and metabolism of straight chain fatty acidsSynthesis of PS and formation of PE in the mitochondrial PSDecarboxylation pathway
TF IV 02.09.2008
TF IV 05.08.2008TF IV 09.12.2008TF IV 11.11.2008
TF IV 14.10.2008TF IV 16.09.2008TF IV 19.08.2008
TF IV 20.01.2009TF IV 23.12.2008TF IV 25.11.2008
TF IV 28.10.2008TF IV 30.09.2008
TF I 21.10.2008TF VIII 03.12.2008TF VIII 08.10.2008
TF VIII 13.08.2008TF VIII 19.11.2008TF VIII 22.04.2009
TF VIII 22.10.2008TF VIII 28.01.2009TF VIII 30.07.2008
TF VIII ActionPoints 2010TF VII 01.10.2008
TF VII 03.09.2008TF VII 06.08.2008TF VII 10.12.2008
TF VII 12.11.2008TF VII 15.10.2008TF VII 17.09.2008
TF VII 20.08.2008TF VII 24.12.2008
TF VII 26.11.2008TF VII 29.10.2008TIC 2013 Tbilisi International Conference 2013
Tagged constructs of lipid droplet proteins for imagingTaqMan Arrays
TaqMan SPPsTask Force I
Task Force IITask Force IIITask Force IV
Task Force IXTask Force I - internal pagesTask Force Overview
Task Force VTask Force VITask Force VII
Task Force VIIITask Force VIII phone conferences
TemplatesTemplates for new articlesTemplates for presentations
TeststartpageTeunissen et al.The classic bile acid biosynthetic (neutral) pathway
The “Kennedy pathway” as the majour route of PC and PE synthesisThin layer chromatography (Thiele Lab)
Thromboxanes (FA0303)ToolsTotal Lipid Profiling LTQ-FT
TrainingTransferproteins – CETP, PLTPTriglyceride hydrolysis kinetics
UKUptake of glycerophospholipid precursors and the interconversion of glycerophospholipid speciesVisualization of fixed/permeabilized cultured cells (JUMC)
WP III TF V 05.09.2008WP III TF V 14.10.2008WP III TF V 25.11.2008
WebexWestern blot of membrane proteins
Wiki Roadmap
Wikipedia:tutorialWork Package Overview
Workshop - 2008/09
Workshop - 2008/09 - presentationsWorkshop - 2009/03Workshop - 2009/10
Workshop - 2009/10 - AbstractsWorkshop - 2010/04Workshop - 2011/05
Workshop - 2011/10Workshop - 2012/07

Previous page (1st Annual LipidomicNet Steering intern)

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