
From LipidomicsWiki

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The major aim of the LipidomicNet-Wiki is to collect and bundle information on Lipidomics. LipidomicNet-Wiki lives from the contribution of people interested in Lipidomics. All members of the Lipidomics Expertise Platform (LEP) are allowed to edit content and add new data. Therefore you are encouraged to register to the LEP and to contribute to the emerging field of Lipidomics. Task forces formed by LipidomicNet members will prepare and control LipidomicNet-Wiki in defined areas.

A major source for LipidomicNet-Wiki is a close link to other data bases including:

LipidomicNet-Wiki is managed within the EU Framework VII project "LipidomicNet" and connected to the Lipidomics Expertise Platform (LEP), which was part of the Specific Support Action “European Lipidomics Initiative; Shaping the life sciences” (ELIfe). The platform should help to standardize lipidome related nomenclature and to establish and harmonize lipid metabolic pathways/tools in a worldwide effort together with the NIH initiative LIPID MAPS and Lipid Bank - Japan.

Objectives of the Lipidomics Expertise

Another major goal of the LipidomicNet-Wiki besides providing basic lipidomic tools and knowledge on lipids is to support the application of lipidomics in different areas for example clinical lipidomics, which involves the discovery of diagnostic/disease specific biomarkers as well as lipidomic support for therapeutical and interventional therapies.

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